To let you all know, this has come about because of Kermi's refusal to remove a modified pic of another members pic as his avatar.
Because of this I was asked to intervene at another Mods behest.
I have since removed his avatar pending clarification of this matter from the member involved.
He has refused to let this go however and through a number of pm's with myself tried to infer that he was unaware of the ruling on this matter.

If the ruling is as vague as he insists it seems strange that we have not had a succession of comments from you all concerning this matter.

I have informed him on two occasions that MEMBERS OF STAFF are responsible for the running and reviewing various rules on this forum...
...not individual members.
While we value your input, the fact remains it is the Mods and Admins responsibility to make decisions on matters of this kind full stop.

This thread has been "padded" out to include some other rules in order to try to gain some kind of sympathy here and I feel it serves no useful purpose, therefore I have closed it.