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Thread: Can I 'cheat' HJ Split?

  1. #1
    Expert Colin_21's Avatar
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    New England

    Default Can I 'cheat' HJ Split?

    Hi all,

    Just curious, I can't always wait around to download 20 HJ files at 20MB each - much less store many of them....

    But, would I be able to download like maybe just a few of the clips (say the last 3-4), rename them to .001, .002, .003, etc and 'fool' HJ into making a file of just those clips?

    thats way I could isolate just the important part of a long scene

    If nobody knows, I'll give it a shot, and let you know what I find. But figured I'd ask first. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Expert goboy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    I've tried. On my system it doesn't work. You have to use something like Movie Maker and chop the original file. Then you can load the last three or four.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    depends on the file. i've had some luck with mpg's and wmv's...after i download them, i delete the last three numbers and the last dot (before them), essentially making it a .wmv or .mpg file again.

    any other renaming of the file seems to screw it up, unplayable. so if you downloaded all four in a set, you may only want the popshot, usually the third or fourth file. so, in this way, you can have a shorter chunk of the movie, but as far as i know, there is know way to trick them into stringing together without HJ

  4. #4


    Yes you should be able to cheat hj split into making a movie out of just the parts you want. It's dumb it just takes whatever files you give it and sticks them together.

    If you give it a .001 file it will look for the next number (.002) and the next number until it can't find one and stop there.

    The ability to watch the movie will however depend on the movie files format.

    For avi files an incomplete file won't play. This is probably cos the start of the complete file has some info that is needed to play it back.

    For mpg files or wmv files it should work, but you could find you wont be able to skip through the file while your playing it. This is a pain if your trying to get to your favourite bit.

    I couldn't say about what happens with other file formats.

    Its worth experimenting. If you get stuck drop me a pm and I can help you get it right.

    Of course another way to join the pieces without using hj split could be to use the DOS command line. Theres no reason why you can use hj split though.
    Last edited by prgivsfacials; 12-31-2008 at 12:45 AM.

  5. #5
    Expert Colin_21's Avatar
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    Aug 2007
    New England

    Default Thanks!

    Thanks for the input, I'll give it a shot.

    This was less about trying not to use HJ and mostly about not having to download all the parts of a 20 minute scene when I'm only interested in hte last 30 seconds...!


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