
I am new on this forum , I stumbled across it on google. I have recently become interested in facial porn, and my wife agreed to let me give her a facial and also record it (although this is for personal use only.). I am 45 years old and this is the first time I have ever given a facial so the anticipation was something else, and the actual events was incredible. Unfortunately I made a real mess. ( no pun intended) of the recording. I was using an IPhone and I managed to miss everything after the first spurt, as the camera was pointing at the floor.

Does anybody have any advice on how I could do a better job bearing in mind the obvious problems holding a still phone whilst ejaculating, or will it get better with practice?



Ps I am a total convert to facials, I was the most erotic thing I have ever done with my wife. She is was far from smiling, but hopefully she will enjoy them in the future!