i tend to agree with the idea, maybe 3 per free section and all for plat.
it would help if the members knew who was responsible for what section.
can i leave this with english hated and valenuk1 to get organised.
i can set it so only mods for a section can mod that section, but that will mean things may slip through.
it may be better to just decide whos modding what section then make an anouncement in that section.
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Personally I try to look at pretty much everything (as I did before I was a Mod ) and slash and burn where necessary.
No-one can be online all the time, after all.
Im also into the idea of designated moderating areas but with the kept ability to moderate other section when there is need for it.
When the flame turns to ashes, legends will be forgotten...
Yeah the size of this place now, its quite a good suggestion, however we will all need to be able to mod all the other sections as well when there are people away on hols etc.