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Thread: Rule 5 clarification

  1. #1
    Expert Dopy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Default Rule 5 clarification

    I just want to clarify with rule 5, that no direct linking is allowed. There Is a mention that it only applies to main forum threads, but I am not sure what that means. I would like to post a direct website link in my Platinum request thread so that members will have an easier time getting to the website they request videos from. I want to ensure this will be ok before I do so.


  2. #2
    Expert ronaldbr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Between now and never


    Fair question.
    In none of the threads direct linking is allowed. In fact, all the threads are "main" threads.

    There are two exceptions :
    The sections mention in the rules.
    Direct link within the forum (http://www.facialforum.net/...)

    You can always use a broken link to point to a website outside the forum.
    Let me know if you have any other questions.

  3. #3
    Expert Brian1453's Avatar
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    Suburbs outside Chicago, Illinois, USA


    There is also an exception made for verified WebMasters. Because of their special relationship with the forum they are allowed to post links to their sites in their sigs. No one else is allowed to do post active, external hotlinks. Sorry.

  4. #4
    Expert alkie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Lodainn an lar


    Quote Originally Posted by Dopy View Post
    I just want to clarify with rule 5, that no direct linking is allowed. There Is a mention that it only applies to main forum threads, but I am not sure what that means. I would like to post a direct website link in my Platinum request thread so that members will have an easier time getting to the website they request videos from. I want to ensure this will be ok before I do so.

    The guys are correct, hot linking is only allowed for a normal member in the following places: The Links & Websites thread or in your profile but thanks for checking here first rather than just posting anyway.

    We appreciate it

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