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Thread: Forum behavior regarding women here

  1. #21
    Expert nicelisa's Avatar
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    Lets talk normal on this forum loll
    Last edited by nicelisa; 03-12-2010 at 02:46 PM.

  2. #22
    Beginner cool69's Avatar
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    Default How do we know what's sexy and what's raunchy

    I've read all the posts and pretty much agree with everything that has been said. I definitely appreciate that fact that so many beautiful women are here enjoying the theme of Facial Forum. You all make my world such a better place to live.

    What advice and guidance can the ladies give on the appropiate words to use when responding to post, pictures, etc posted by female members? How are us guys supposed to know when you want words that convey sweet, tender passion versus words that convey primal, lustful passion?

    It seems to me that you can post a comment that is respectful and follows the three fules of etiqueete, but one that is just a little too rauchy for the recipient. On the other hand, I am fairly confident that there a few females members that get turned on by graphic descriptions of the passion I feel.

    I love and respect ever female member of the Facial Forum. When you a comment that is full of tenderness, I want to give you that comment. When you want a comment that is full of obscene things that I want to do with you, I want to give you that comment.

  3. #23
    WebMaster CarolCox's Avatar
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    I have no problems in chat and I'm happy to answer any questions. I also don't mind when things get "lively"

    My only problem is the Private Messages I receive when in chat. A few days ago, I had 8 little windows open with guys all asking me questions that could have just as easily been asked in open chat. It just gets too difficult to keep a conversation going with everyone trying to private at once.

    Is there a way to disable the PM's in chat? I didn't see a way, but I may be missing something

    Carol xoxoxo

  4. #24
    Beginner cool69's Avatar
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    Default 'lively'

    I hear you Carol (and I love you too) but you know that whats lively to you is nasty and perverted to others, even some of the wonderful ladies on FacialForum.

    I just wish there was a magical way for me to tell the difference before I say something stupid....

  5. #25
    Expert curious_one's Avatar
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    Great thread, jzzr - hopefully people will heed what's been written here...

    I'd like to add my two cents worth to this theme, if I may. I've used the FF chat a few times, and *shock, horror*, it's not always related to cybering - which is a good thing, the way I see it. It's just great to have a forum where like minded people can chat about all and sundry - at the risk of enraging Monty Python fans, there's not reason to 'stampede to the clitoris'. Treat everyone on their merits and take it from there, no? Basic manners go a long way...

    Anyway, cheers to all and who knows? See you in the FF chatrooms soon!

  6. #26
    Expert jzzr's Avatar
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    Glad people are reading and discussing this issue.

    As for guidelines for guys, every woman is different. So the "line" to cross will always be in a different place. Rule of thumb is to err on the side of caution.

    For me that means talking to the person in the main Chat first, then if they seem responsive to you or if you have a private question, using the PM. Even then, don't just go straight for sex talk. Have a conversation. You know, hi, how are you, where are you from, what brings you here tonight, what do you like to see, are you looking at any pics right now...etc. Let it be a natural progression.

    Sure, they may be in there looking to get a little turned on, but you don't know what will do that. Also she may be already in PMs with others or just not interested in chatting that way.

    Funny thing is this kind of etiquette goes for anyone in Chat. I'm a guy, and I get annoyed when someone I don't know just pops in and PMs me wanting to swap pics, trade IM addresses, or asks me if I want to jerk over forum pics at the same time or something.

    Basically just treat people as though Chat is a real life Room you just walked into. Even if we're all here because of facials, half the time the Chat isn't even about that or even anything sexual. It's just the nature of the beast called conversation - it goes off-topic.

    Imagine if you burst into a room with your dick out yelling "which bitches want a big fucking cumload on their face?" And then you realize everyone is fully clothed and drinking wine while talking about music, totally ignoring you or rolling their eyes at your entrance. FAIL!

    So just be cool and don't push anything, and you should be fine.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jzzr View Post
    For me that means talking to the person in the main Chat first, then if they seem responsive to you or if you have a private question, using the PM. Even then, don't just go straight for sex talk. Have a conversation. You know, hi, how are you, where are you from, what brings you here tonight, what do you like to see, are you looking at any pics right now...etc. Let it be a natural progression.
    I'll second this approach. Works nearly everytime for me!
    Quote Originally Posted by jzzr View Post
    Funny thing is this kind of etiquette goes for anyone in Chat. I'm a guy, and I get annoyed when someone I don't know just pops in and PMs me wanting to swap pics, trade IM addresses, or asks me if I want to jerk over forum pics at the same time or something.
    Yes, that new Ignore button can be quite usefull...
    Quote Originally Posted by jzzr View Post
    Imagine if you burst into a room with your dick out yelling "which bitches want a big fucking cumload on their face?" And then you realize everyone is fully clothed and drinking wine while talking about music, totally ignoring you or rolling their eyes at your entrance. FAIL!
    Sounds like someones fantasy turned into their deepest nightmare!

  8. #28
    Virgin xambermercerx's Avatar
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    I agree it seems every body thinks they are entitled to talk to you whenever and privately without considering how annoying that is.. just ask permission to talk to somebody

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    I do want to thank you for this thread. As has been stated before, there are women on the site that are here to look at and enjoy their cum fetish. I have had no problems on the site so let me make that very clear. Everyone has been very respectful. I think that by the moderators making it as clear as they have regarding how to treat other members (men and women) it makes it a more comfortable and welcoming place to explore. I believe that many females shy away from forums such as this because they think they will get treated disrespectfully.

  10. #30
    Platinum member hated's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jzzr View Post
    Basically just treat people as though Chat is a real life Room you just walked into. Even if we're all here because of facials, half the time the Chat isn't even about that or even anything sexual. It's just the nature of the beast called conversation - it goes off-topic.
    Guilty! Well, im not in there very often anymore, but me and messud were once infamous for the frequent off-topic discussions...

    When the flame turns to ashes, legends will be forgotten...

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