Hey all. Have been around for a bit, and this is just our second post of pics. The first being in this months compatition. Comments welcome, she likes to hear what you all think. We will take requests, however we only get to see eachother once a week or every other week. So be patiant. We will have more.
P.S. The dates on the pics are wrong, cause I forgot to set the date on the camera, and as always, dont forget to rep if you like these.
Thanks for sharing. She does look like a lot of fun. Even more so the way she is holding that load of cum on her tongue. You should consider making a verification set. It would help a lot in the competition plus you get your status changed.
Please note: Once payment is made you need to send a private message to wicked at the forum, stating your username and the email address you used to pay. If you do not do this your upgrade will be delayed, the upgrade will be done within 12 hrs.