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Thread: Introduction + Advice Request (Bukkake)

  1. #1
    Virgin snout's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Introduction + Advice Request (Bukkake)

    I'll be polite and start with a "Hello" to all and also a lined up apology in case this is posted in the wrong location! I had a little browse to try and find an "Introductions" sticky or corner of the site but was unable to locate one.

    Now formality is out the way...

    The Waffle.

    I've joined this site on the recommendation of another member due to an curiousity about "bukkakes." Whoa! WHOA!? Yes, I know how you feel. It's gone from zero-to-a monkey in a bowler hat in a matter of seconds. If you feel able to stick with me, then I shall explain.

    I have no experience of doing this before, it has however been a long running curiousity since I first saw a man orgasm (he was masturbating was on camera; I was a little one at the time) and later discovered what it was and the oral method of making it happen. That experience made me somewhat fascinated by oral sex and ejaculation: having the ability to make another person's body respond in such a manner.

    I have, since I aged, given the odd blow job in my time. These have been fun, successful and currently my favoured route of sexual interaction. They have always been with a lone partner and the notion of a threesome+ which includes a "partner" doesn't entirely appeal to me, which may sound strange?

    The Point.

    It was suggested I joined to note my interest in a bukkake and to ask for advice and tips regarding it.

    I am not looking to do this tomorrow - it's not something I'm mindlessly craving in a bewildered state, like a warthog with a grub stuck in its nostril. It is something I'm willing to open up my mind to here and to see what others think. I will add a list of questions I've been asked or am likely to get asked to help start things off:

    • Am I in a relationship? No.
    • Do I regularly play with anyone? No.
    • The most men I've been with at one time? One.
    • How many men do you want to do it with? I honestly don't know. I'd say 5 would be a suitable maximum for the first time I tried.
    • Where do you want them to cum? Ideally my face, but I know direction isn't something men are normally good at.


    A few things that hold me back from doing it and I'd be happy to hear from people in regard to how they work around such things are:

    • Trust: will they only do what you've asked and will they tell anyone about it.
    • Discretion: if I do it one day, I don't want it to be gossiped about.
    • Is it better to wait until I'm older or when I'm older will I wish I'd have done it when I was younger?!
    • Number of people involved.
    • If I don't know the people well (and I suppose even if I did) then cleanliness of all, disease wise.
    • Risk and prevention of getting diseased and my body parts falling off, as such.

    There are probably more thoughts, worries, concerns and moments of joy going through my head at the whole notion but that looks like enough for now. If anyone has advice I will appreciate it.

    TLDR: You disgust me, go to the top and start again.

    - Snout.

  2. #2
    * Verified Member *
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    Aug 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by snout View Post
    I'll be polite and start with a "Hello" to all and also a lined up apology in case this is posted in the wrong location! I had a little browse to try and find an "Introductions" sticky or corner of the site but was unable to locate one.

    Now formality is out the way...

    The Waffle.

    I've joined this site on the recommendation of another member due to an curiousity about "bukkakes." Whoa! WHOA!? Yes, I know how you feel. It's gone from zero-to-a monkey in a bowler hat in a matter of seconds. If you feel able to stick with me, then I shall explain.

    I have no experience of doing this before, it has however been a long running curiousity since I first saw a man orgasm (he was masturbating was on camera; I was a little one at the time) and later discovered what it was and the oral method of making it happen. That experience made me somewhat fascinated by oral sex and ejaculation: having the ability to make another person's body respond in such a manner.

    I have, since I aged, given the odd blow job in my time. These have been fun, successful and currently my favoured route of sexual interaction. They have always been with a lone partner and the notion of a threesome+ which includes a "partner" doesn't entirely appeal to me, which may sound strange?

    The Point.

    It was suggested I joined to note my interest in a bukkake and to ask for advice and tips regarding it.

    I am not looking to do this tomorrow - it's not something I'm mindlessly craving in a bewildered state, like a warthog with a grub stuck in its nostril. It is something I'm willing to open up my mind to here and to see what others think. I will add a list of questions I've been asked or am likely to get asked to help start things off:

    • Am I in a relationship? No.
    • Do I regularly play with anyone? No.
    • The most men I've been with at one time? One.
    • How many men do you want to do it with? I honestly don't know. I'd say 5 would be a suitable maximum for the first time I tried.
    • Where do you want them to cum? Ideally my face, but I know direction isn't something men are normally good at.


    A few things that hold me back from doing it and I'd be happy to hear from people in regard to how they work around such things are:

    • Trust: will they only do what you've asked and will they tell anyone about it.
    • Discretion: if I do it one day, I don't want it to be gossiped about.
    • Is it better to wait until I'm older or when I'm older will I wish I'd have done it when I was younger?!
    • Number of people involved.
    • If I don't know the people well (and I suppose even if I did) then cleanliness of all, disease wise.
    • Risk and prevention of getting diseased and my body parts falling off, as such.

    There are probably more thoughts, worries, concerns and moments of joy going through my head at the whole notion but that looks like enough for now. If anyone has advice I will appreciate it.

    TLDR: You disgust me, go to the top and start again.

    - Snout.
    I'm intrigued by this, too. I have the same fascinations you do, and also the same reservations. I wouldn't begin to know how to make something like this happen for myself, so I'm interested in following the conversation in this thread. I love getting facials from my husband, multiple in a day many times, so it would seem to follow that I'd enjoy bukkake too. But so much of my enjoyment is bound up in my love with him that I am not sure. But I do fantasize about it!

    Your writing style is a kick, by the way. I love it.

  3. #3
    Expert SipoTitz's Avatar
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    If you are in the UK, you could try giving Dave and Debbie an email. They are a very friendly couple who run bukkake parties in the Midlands. With their experience they could probably answer many of your questions. You'd probably be able to attend a party and just watch if you wanted.

    PM me for their website info if you like - forum rules don't allow links in threads.


  4. #4
    WebMaster target01's Avatar
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    If you are nervous about it do what I do.

    Have your bf cum in a jar for awhile and then do you own bukkake using his cum! Its awesome and safe!
    Attached Images Attached Images

    Cum watch me cook a cum omelette,bake a cum cake, brew cum coffee, drink from a cum jar, and take lots of facials!

  5. #5
    * Verified Member *
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    Welcome to the forum Snout.

    If you are in the UK we can offer advice as we have organised a few parties over the last couple of years. Mainly 5-6 blokes just as your post said.

    We know exactly where you are coming from regarding your questions as we had the same things going around in our heads. If you need any help you can always PM us and we will be happy to reply.

    Also if you ever want to come and see what its all about without having any input (just watch) you can, as the gentlemen involved are most respectful. We have met many members off here too and they will vouch for us. As well as our own resident POV video master and Admin, Simon Kemp

    Adele & Doc x

  6. #6
    Expert bukkakemadness's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snout View Post
    I'll be polite and start with a "Hello" to all and also a lined up apology in case this is posted in the wrong location! I had a little browse to try and find an "Introductions" sticky or corner of the site but was unable to locate one.

    Now formality is out the way...

    The Waffle.

    I've joined this site on the recommendation of another member due to an curiousity about "bukkakes." Whoa! WHOA!? Yes, I know how you feel. It's gone from zero-to-a monkey in a bowler hat in a matter of seconds. If you feel able to stick with me, then I shall explain.

    I have no experience of doing this before, it has however been a long running curiousity since I first saw a man orgasm (he was masturbating was on camera; I was a little one at the time) and later discovered what it was and the oral method of making it happen. That experience made me somewhat fascinated by oral sex and ejaculation: having the ability to make another person's body respond in such a manner.

    I have, since I aged, given the odd blow job in my time. These have been fun, successful and currently my favoured route of sexual interaction. They have always been with a lone partner and the notion of a threesome+ which includes a "partner" doesn't entirely appeal to me, which may sound strange?

    The Point.

    It was suggested I joined to note my interest in a bukkake and to ask for advice and tips regarding it.

    I am not looking to do this tomorrow - it's not something I'm mindlessly craving in a bewildered state, like a warthog with a grub stuck in its nostril. It is something I'm willing to open up my mind to here and to see what others think. I will add a list of questions I've been asked or am likely to get asked to help start things off:

    • Am I in a relationship? No.
    • Do I regularly play with anyone? No.
    • The most men I've been with at one time? One.
    • How many men do you want to do it with? I honestly don't know. I'd say 5 would be a suitable maximum for the first time I tried.
    • Where do you want them to cum? Ideally my face, but I know direction isn't something men are normally good at.


    A few things that hold me back from doing it and I'd be happy to hear from people in regard to how they work around such things are:

    • Trust: will they only do what you've asked and will they tell anyone about it.
    • Discretion: if I do it one day, I don't want it to be gossiped about.
    • Is it better to wait until I'm older or when I'm older will I wish I'd have done it when I was younger?!
    • Number of people involved.
    • If I don't know the people well (and I suppose even if I did) then cleanliness of all, disease wise.
    • Risk and prevention of getting diseased and my body parts falling off, as such.

    There are probably more thoughts, worries, concerns and moments of joy going through my head at the whole notion but that looks like enough for now. If anyone has advice I will appreciate it.

    TLDR: You disgust me, go to the top and start again.

    - Snout.
    Hi Snout,

    We sent you a private message in respomse to your post and questions.

    E & N

  7. #7
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    We are having the same thoughts as you, and it looks like the members here are steering you in good directions of who to ask.

    We'd love to hear if you got some good advice, and what you decided.

    We're both into the idea of organising a bukkake like this for Mrs Pokeax, and we share the same concerns you do, with the added one of whether there will be any feelings of jealousy or guilt that stem from this that we didn't foresee.

    Anyway, we're happy to have chat if you feel like PMing us, or just on here, if you want to talk with people in the same boat.


  8. #8
    Expert solidservo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pokeax View Post
    We're both into the idea of organising a bukkake like this for Mrs Pokeax
    this would blow my mind - seriously. not exaggerating - this would blow my mind!

  9. #9
    * Verified Member *
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    Quote Originally Posted by solidservo View Post
    this would blow my mind - seriously. not exaggerating - this would blow my mind!
    Thank you we've been talking about it a lot - we'll see what happens.

  10. #10
    Expert fanofacial's Avatar
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    Orange County, CA.


    Quote Originally Posted by pokeax View Post
    Thank you we've been talking about it a lot - we'll see what happens.
    If you're looking for extra cocks for your bukkake I'm in the Los Angeles/Orange County area and would very much enjoy this!

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