Hi! I don't understand some things about posting and collecting images:
1- in my profile I can load albums, right? Than, i tryed to load from my pc a new album but the site tell me that i can load only two photos for every album. To increase the number of photos in a album I created some of it and I moved into the big one....delete album empty....delete album empty...etc.
I think that I have to post some photos in the forum and move it into the albums if i want to fill them, right????
2- One of my album is for erotic toons....one of my social group is for erotic toons. I don't understand in which way i can load images in the group from my pc(edit...load images from url...what URL )
I can do a new post of toon in non-facial pic's forum??
If something is wrote wrong i can explain....(i'm Italian)